Use this dialog if you want to choose starting and ending position of
a block to be selected numerically . This dialog is opened by the command
Selection Start: Type the starting position of the new
selection in hexadecimal (prefixed by "0x") or decimal
notation. You can also use a position relative to the current cursor
position or file end: When prefixing the number by a minus
("-") or plus ("+") sign, the new selection start is
relative to the current cursor position, when prefixing by a greater than
(">") sign, the new selection start is relative to the
file's end
Selection End: Type the end position of the new selection in
hexadecimal (prefixed by "0x") or decimal notation. You can
also use a position relative to the new selection start or file end: When
prefixing the number by a minus ("-") or plus ("+")
sign, the new selection end is relative to the selection start typed
above, when prefixing by a greater than (">") sign, the new
selection end position is relative to the file's end
OK: Use the typed values to select a block in the active
editor window
Cancel: Close the dialog without changing the selection